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Members Only @Home with Daniel Canogar - From small data to big data: Algorithmic works by Daniel Canogar

Thu, 10 Jun


Web in Art

We are delighted to invite you to virtually meet Daniel Canogar and hear him talking about the concept behind his art installations with LED screens and video projection and a glimpse on his future projects.

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Members Only @Home with Daniel Canogar - From small data to big data: Algorithmic works by Daniel Canogar
Members Only @Home with Daniel Canogar - From small data to big data: Algorithmic works by Daniel Canogar

Date & Time

10 Jun 2021, 11:00 GMT+4

Web in Art


Dear Member,

We are delighted to invite you to virtually meet Daniel Canogar and hear him talking about the concept behind his art installations with LED screens and video projection and a glimpse on his future projects.

Born in Madrid (1964) to a Spanish father and an American mother, Daniel Canogar ́s life and career have bridged between Spain and the U.S. Photography was his earliest medium of choice, receiving a M.A. from NYU at the International Center of photography in 1990, but he soon became interested in the possibilities of the projected image and installation art. He has created permanent public art installations with LED screens in California, Texas & Madrid, and public monumental artworks in different mediums and a series of video-projections presented on various emblematic monuments, along some temporary installations in Europe and the USA.

Memory and its loss are a central theme in his work. “Unless we remember, we are condemned to an amnesiac present, texture less and flat, lacking the perspective of time.”

He will be featured at the Expo 2020 Spanish Pavilion.

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