Wed, 22 Apr
Speaker: Jean Francois Charnier | Moderated by Celine Hullo-Pouyat
Date & Time
22 Apr 2020, 16:00 GMT+4
"Al Ula, the hidden gem"
Jean François will be presenting Al Ula, the first Saudi Arabia site to earn UNESCO recognition with its spectacular archaeological treasures, and the ambitious project of the 6 museums.
Jean François Charnier is a national general heritage and art curator. He graduated in Art History and Archaeology from the Ecole du Louvre and in anthropology from Université Paris X-Nanterre. His first position was in the field of preventive archaeology and heritage coordination. He then became director of the agriculture and environment department in the project for the Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean (MUCEM). In 2008 he joined Agence France-Muséums to coordinate the expertise of French national museums including the Louvre, Pompidou Centre, Orsay etc. for the creation of the Louvre Abu Dhabi. He was appointed Scientific Director of Agence France-Muséums in 2013: he created the contents of the museum and led the teams responsible for the museography, art acquisitions, programming and publications of the Louvre Abu Dhabi which opened in November 2017. He joined Afalula Agency in August 2018.
Celine Hullo-Pouyat holds a PhD in Art History from Paris-Sorbonne University. She was Senior Project Manager for the Louvre Abu Dhabi for 8 years. Prior to the Louvre Abu Dhabi, she was the director of Studies for the Art History department at Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi University where she taught in the Master’s Programme. Her research field covers history of cultural heritage, museums, world heritage concepts and architectural conservation. She has 4 children.